Lab Testing

Lab Testing Services Offered In Houston, TX

If you’re at risk of a medical problem or develop bothersome symptoms, see a primary care expert at AZ Health and Wellness Clinic in Houston, Texas. Highly trained nurse practitioner ​​Khaula Mehdi Raza, AGPC, NP, offers onsite lab testing to determine if you have a health issue and how to best treat it. Call the office to schedule an appointment, or use the online booking tab today.

Lab Testing Q&A

What is lab testing?

Lab testing at AZ Health and Wellness Clinic includes diagnostic tests that help diagnose common medical issues. Examples of lab tests your primary care specialist may order include:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine testing
  • Stool tests
  • Nasal swabs
  • Throat swabs
  • Other tissue swabs
  • Saliva tests
  • Pap smear

After your provider obtains a fluid or tissue sample, lab technicians analyze it for potential medical concerns. Lab testing helps screen for an array of medical issues that are not detectable during a physical exam alone.

Onsite lab testing at AZ Health and Wellness Clinic is convenient because you can avoid scheduling a separate appointment at a lab.

What is the purpose of lab testing?

Khaula may recommend onsite lab testing to screen for:

  • Diabetes
  • Prediabetes 
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Strep throat
  • Flu
  • COVID-19
  • Arthritis
  • Skin cancer

Lab tests screen for specific illnesses, diseases, and infections. Being able to properly diagnose your condition allows Khaula to treat it effectively, reducing the risk of complications.

Is lab testing right for me?

To determine if you’re a candidate for lab testing, and which tests are best for you, Khaula weighs you, evaluates your body mass index (BMI), and checks your blood pressure and other vital signs.

She discusses your medical history, family history of disease, symptoms, lifestyle habits, and medications. Khaula also completes a physical exam to look for signs of potential medical issues.

She may recommend lab testing if you have signs, symptoms, or risk factors of a medical problem or have known exposure to someone with COVID-9, flu, or strep throat.

What should I expect during lab testing?

During lab testing, your provider may obtain a blood sample, urine or stool sample, tissue swab, or sample of skin (biopsy) and send it to a lab for analysis. Lab testing isn’t painful, though you might feel a tiny pinch during needle insertion associated with blood testing.

What happens after lab testing?

Khaula reviews the results of lab testing as soon as she receives them and lets you know if you’re a candidate for watchful waiting, medications, other treatments, further diagnostic testing, or specialist referrals. She follows up with you as needed to maximize your well-being.

Call the AZ Health and Wellness Clinic office to take advantage of onsite lab testing or schedule an appointment online today.